Saturday, March 31, 2012


Oh man, the last day is drawing to a close.

During debrief this morning we prayed over the evangelical speaker that was coming to a soccer field near the base. There was an estimate that over 100,000 people were expected to come, and we prayed for more. We prayed for people who planned on having a negative influence through stealing or fighting would get rocked and come to know the Lord along with everyone else that attended, and that the Light of God would shine into those people through the speaker.

This morning we went to Lookout Point, which was unbelievable. We could see practically the entirety of Port-au-Prince from the viewpoint. As we looked out over the city we had been serving, we sang pieces of Days of Elijah and Every Captive Free over Haiti. We also prayed over the city, declaring that it has been claimed for God and that the year of jubilee is at hand here. We prayed out peace and the continued raining down of the Spirit of God. Please continue to pray and intercede with us. After our brief session we bought souveniers, mastering the art of bargaining in the process.

On the way to and from Lookout Point, we truly learned about Haitian traffic. Police officers were trying to direct traffic, but only ended up slowing down roads that would have run smoothly if people had been left alone to drive. On the way back from the Point they had closed off the road we had used to get to the Point, which ended with us a bit lost. We drove down some back roads and ended up witnessing a half-collapsed building left over from the earthquake and half-finished homes and other buildings. Eventually a local pastor, Pastor Eric, who was travelling with us, had to ask directions from a nearby family. We ended up driving through a small lake and a gravel pit, but made it back to base safely.

After lunch we headed to an orphanage in Sarthe started by Pastor Reynolds. There we played with the kids, both boys and girls, coloring, playing soccer, talking and making paper airplanes. It is an unfinished building at the moment, but it is going to end up being a two-storey building along side a space that will become as the church, which in part is the sleeping area for the kids right now.

Before and after our visit to Sarthe, we got to stop by the Foursquare church we have been serving this week to say goodbye to the kids and staff we wouldn't see at the base. It was hard to say the least, and we will continue to pray for and remember those children for a long time. It was fun to see God bringing them joy and working through us to show them the love that they need.

During debrief we worshipped and gave each other communion as a reminder and a continuance in our service to each other and our unity as a team. Dan shared the top ten fantasies of returning from a mission trip, and we discussed what to expect while we're processing through what happened this week at home. That said, please continue to pray for a rise in joy and patience in God's timing while we process, and for Him to move through us even in the airports we visit on our way home.

Thank you all for your continued prayer and support. =)

Bondye beni ou!

-Haiti Team

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