Thursday, March 29, 2012

Seeds and Coins (VBS Day Three)

The last day of our VBS work passed faster than we wanted. The skits and message for the day centered on the parables of the sower and the lost coin, teaching that as believers, we need to be rooted deep in the Word in order to spread the love of Christ, as well as the fact that we are all lost coins, and God will stop at nothing to find us when we're lost. the kids also worked on a craft of tissue paper flowers and continued to sing worship songs in both Creole and English.

The construction crew continued work on benches, grinding down and painting bench legs and staining wood. Work was also continued on the roof for the chicken coop, getting the rafters up and beginning to get the metal sheets on top. A couple of people worked on doors for a building used for school here, as well.

After lunch construction work continued. The staining was finished and the legs for the benches were all ground and painted with anti-corrosive paint. Benches started to be assembled in the church, as well. There was singing. There was sharing of testamonies and stories of our lives. Before we knew it it was time to return to the base camp.

And wow, debrief was good. We worshipped outside and came inside for the rest, which turned into continued crying out to each other and accountability for confessions. Sean, one of the members of the team here, testified to seeing the Spirit in us as we arrived, and that he, as well as the rest of the team, felt like we were family. The feeling is definitely mutual. It is strange to think we have only known the base team members for a few days! So much life is lived between our 7:30 am meeting and our late night wosrhip. Sean shared how he could tell our team had been preparing spiritually for our time here. This, he believes, is what makes us feel like family.

This unity be needed in the days to come. We begin and end our days with the armour of God to prepare for the spiritual attack we were warned of earlier this week. Please pray that our sense of togetherness continues and that God's work in us as a team and as individuals continues to stretch and grow us, and that we have grace to receive, experience and eventually appreciate that growth and change.

Bondye beni ou!
God bless you!

-Haiti Team

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