Hello again everyone! Wow today was awesome!
We split into two teams, one to plan a vacation Bible school for the afternoon and one to contine the construction work we started yesterday.
The VBS went well. During the planning time in the morning the team thought of different ways to connect to the parable of the Prodigal Son, including writing a worship song in Creole, the main line of which was, "The son came home, now everybody dance!" There was also a craft involving cut out hearts for the kids to draw something or someone they love on. The older kids even ended up getting members of the team to draw for them. There was also a rotation for a game time and another for worship and a skit, which involved a man named Steve and his son, Joey, who after receiving half of his father's money, spent it on bubbles, which earned him friends. But when he couldn't afford any more bubbles all of his friends left him, so he returned home and lo and behold, his father greets him with joy and a celebration is held.
Wow. The team connected so well with the kids during VBS. At one point Emily began drawing giraffes on her heart, and everyone in the room started drawing them as well. We really got to share in the hope that the children have and the unfiltered joy as well. At another point during the day, after the message and worship, the room of about sixty kids of all ages was asked if anyone wanted to ask Jesus into their hearts and the entire room flooded to the front. Praise the Lord!
On the other side of the compound, a few members of the team continued work on the various construction projects we plan on putting a dent into throughout the week. They include building benches for the church, completing the roof of a chicken coop and building shelving and racks for one of the compound's sheds. It was so good to experience getting to provide practical, physical ministry to the people of the area. After VBS finished the other half of the team came over and the work went twice and thrice as fast. Of course, throughout the day there was always a point that tarantulas were being hunted, and that brought a bit of joy (and in some cases fear) to everyone's hearts.
After dinner we transitioned to a time of worship and prayer. We shouted out praises to the Lord for what He has been doing. Worship was powerful and led into prophetic worship for Haiti and the declaration that the people are FREE and that they are not dead but alive because Christ has called them to be alive! We prayed for a few of the Haitians living here at the house, speaking truths into their lives, that they are called to be leaders and that people will follow them in their faith, that nothing can separate them from the love of Christ and that He hears their prayers SO clearly.
We continued to worship and ended the night with declaring that our baggage was left in Seattle. Our baggage isn't even there anymore because it is in the past, it is done and it is FINISHED! Craig, one of the members of the team stationed here, spoke over the fact that there is an attack coming like this place has never seen before, and we immediately went into prayer and a song of worship in Creole titled, "Jehovah is His name," which declared God's presence and might in battle. We ended the night by praying through the armor of God and confirming God's presensce and protection covering us here. In smaller prayer teams chains were BROKEN. Baggage was dropped off and never reclaimed, and instead we claimed FREEDOM. So praise the Lord!
On that note, dear followers, please continue prayers for protection, strength and the breaking of the spirit of fear so that when the time of our battle comes we may stand boldly and know that Christ is fighting for us. Pray for us to be cloaked in love and unity so that nothing can divide us as a team, just as nothing can separate us from His love.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
See you tomorrow!
Haiti Team
Thank you guys so much for doing this--super encouraging back home! Please read/pray through Isaiah 49:1-18 (especially 8-12). Love you & can't wait till you come back!